Podcast – SpanishRoute
Stage 11: How to use and pronounce in Spanish the letters R (r/rr), L (l/ll) and Y
Translation to English Spanish Route episode ONCE your guided route to Spanish. Hi. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to SpanishRoute. The program, the podcast, to learn and improve your Spanish. My name is Sergio and I speak to you from Spain. This is the eleventh program. The eleventh stage on your way to Spanish. I will summarize…
Stage 10: How to write and pronounce the letters C,K, Z, S, X, Qu and Ch in Spanish
Spanish Route episode TEN. Your guided route to Spanish. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to SpanishRoute. The program, the podcast, to learn and improve your Spanish. My name is Sergio and I am your personal Spanish trainer. And I speak to you from Spain. This is the tenth program, your tenth stage…
Stage 9: Spanish pronunciation of «j», «g», «gu» and «gü»
Spanish Route episode nine. Your guided route to Spanish Hello! How are you, Spanish student? Welcome to SpanishRoute. The program, the podcast, to learn and improve your Spanish. My name is Sergio and I speak to you from Spain. This is the ninth program, your ninth stage on your way to Spanish. Today, we continue…
Stage 8: Spanish pronunciation of the consonants B, V and W
Spanish Route episode EIGHT your guided tour to Spanish. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to SpanishRoute. The program, the podcast, to learn Spanish the easy and fun way. My name is Sergio and I speak from Spain. This is the eighth program, your eighth stage on your way to Spanish. Today we will talk…
Stage 7: Spanish vocabulary for the Camino de Santiago
Translation to English Spanish Route episode SEVEN. Your guided tour to Spanish Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. I’m Sergio and I’m your personal trainer Spanish. And as you know if you’ve heard earlier chapters I speak from Galicia in northern Spain. This is the seventh program, your seventh stage on your way to Spanish. Today let’s…
Stage 6: Tiempo in Spanish
(Time or Weather)Spanish Route episode SEIS your guided tour to Spanish. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. My name is Sergio and I’m your personal trainer Spanish. Welcome to Spanish Route. The program, the podcast where every week you hear me speaking in Spanish about my language and my culture and practice your ear and your understanding of Spanish.…
Stage 5: Spanish Internet Vocabulary
Translation to English Spanish Route episode FIVE. Your guided route to Spanish Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to SpanishRoute. The program, the podcast to learn Spanish the easy and fun way. My name is Sergio and I’m your personal trainer Spanish. How are you going to study Spanish? Are you practicing every day? Very good! Today…
Stage 4: Regional differences of Spanish
Translation to English Spanish Route episode FOUR. Your guided tour to Spanish. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to Spanish Route. The program, the podcast to learn Spanish the easy and fun way. I’m Sergio and I’m your personal trainer Spanish. And I speak from Galicia in northern Spain. This is the fourth program, fourth stage on…
Stage 3: Personal Pronouns in Spanish and the verbs “ser” and “estar”
Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to Spanish Route. The program, the podcast to learn Spanish in the easiest and most fun way. In case you still do not know me, I’m Sergio and I’m your personal Spanish trainer. And this is already the third program, third stage on your way to Spanish. Today…
Stage 2: Gender of the nouns and difference between “bien” and “bueno”
Spanish Route episode TWO your guided route to Spanish. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to Spanish Route. The program, the podcast to learn Spanish in the easiest and most fun way. My name is Sergio and I am your personal Spanish trainer. This is the second program, second stage on your way to Spanish. And…